Damn, I lost my shoes last week. And the place is >>>>> Larkin Mosque... I wonder why in this holy Ramadhan people still do this kinda stuff? Damn, ruined my mood that day, ruined my raya mood. But every cloud has silver lining, so what can I do now is just be patient. Here's the hotspot where I put my shoes then gone.
jahat sungguh org tuh..org kalau da penuh dgn bisikkan syaitan..tak kire bulan ape pon..walaupun syaitan2 da kene jail bulan pose nih..tapi kalau setan dlm diri tu sendiri takle nak jail..mmg la.. sabar k..patah tumbuh ilang berganti..hhehhe..beli je baru..walaupon yg dulu penuh dgn nostalgia..hhehehe..cit..pe tah zi merepek.. cheer up dude
jahat sungguh org tuh..org kalau da penuh dgn bisikkan syaitan..tak kire bulan ape pon..walaupun syaitan2 da kene jail bulan pose nih..tapi kalau setan dlm diri tu sendiri takle nak jail..mmg la.. sabar k..patah tumbuh ilang berganti..hhehhe..beli je baru..walaupon yg dulu penuh dgn nostalgia..hhehehe..cit..pe tah zi merepek.. cheer up dude
haha, siap amek gambar eh lu!
patut lu pasang camera trus kat tempat kejadian lenkali, baru suspek dpt diberkas! hehe
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