Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Just now on my back home from fetching my sister, just about to reach the corner to my house I saw a cat ran crossing the road. It was quite close. I hit the brake abruptly, but then I heard something knocked the car. I felt like I'm screwed. Damn. I pulled over and tried to find the cat but unfortunately I couldn't. I was driving on 60-70 km/h if I'm not wrong because the road was quite steep I was moving down from the hill. I'm hoping that the cat is OK as I'm feeling not good tonight. But I'm glad that I didn't see any blood on the road so that's make me feel 'lil bit OK. What a night man..


Anonymous said...

hahahah... penyayang eyh lu? tapi lu sure ke kucing tuh? bukan erkhem-erkhem...hehehe

Zed said...

ehem2 tu ape?
gua pon cuak gak kalo mende lain..

ruzy said...

cian kucing tuh..mesti tak dapat makan durian lagi..ahhaahhahahahaha..tapi kalau rase cam menyesali or ragu2 sama ade dia mati ke or parah or ape ke..leh je pose..akak zi wat camtu..dgn harapan..aman..hehhehe..mesti tenang